Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Greenock Morton FC

Today we set off from Dunoon back across the ferry to Greenock where I had planned to go straight to my Aunts but no one was home when we called so instead I dragged Jane down to the famous Cappielow Park to see if I could get myself a Morton strip.

The team that made hoops famous have never have my size in stock when I check on the net and suprise suprise still no joy. Better yet they are changing their strip this season to resemble the Argentinian home strip so they are doing away with the hoops altogether. (Now that everyone else is doing it it's time for something different, I've even heard of teams doing it with green and white hoops... what the??). I could get my hands on the away strip but the blue and red tartan strip was a bit much.

So we headed off for my mum's sisters house for tea and to meet all her kids (and there kids etc) when I came down with a nasty case of food poisoning. It was either the subway I had for lunch or the Chinese buffet I had for dinner. I don't know, I'll let you decide.

So that put a quick end to my night as I spent the rest of it (except 2 hours of sleep) with my head in the toilet bowl and waking Jane everytime so that she too had little or no sleep (hey, I'm a sharing, caring kinda guy).

Meant to be doing a pub crawl tomorrow.... we'll see how it goes.

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