Thursday, May 25, 2006


Helloooo to all from Singapore,

We arrived at 6pm local time and our flight to Rome boards at midnight. The thought of spending 6 hours wandering around an airport didn't sound too appealing however this place is huge!! We've been here just over 4 hours and we still haven't managed to check out all the shops.

First stop off was the 'Oasis' where we enjoyed a masage and free internet. Can't believe how many Aussies are here. Couldn't really tell you were in Asia at all.

The flight here went really quickly all apart from the idiot woman in front of me moving her seat all the way back without checking to see if I was finished eating...... luckily for her I was :)

When we get to a computer with an accessible USB cable we'll add some photos.

Catch ya!

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